As U.S. Finishes Transition to GHS, Canada Begins

On June 1, the United States will have completed the transition to the GHS. So what has the government learned about implementing and enforcing the new regulations? And what about the future? At Stewardship 2015, OSHA representative Maureen Ruskin will talk about the transition and what’s ahead.

“OSHA realizes now that people will not be done and in some cases through no fault of their own, because the information from their upstream suppliers wasn't available,” says session moderator Denese Deeds, senior consultant for Industrial Health & Safety Consultants. “I'm sure there will be some questions and discussions about that.” Ruskin is also head of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations on the GHS, so Deeds expects a discussion on what’s happening at the UN level.

Furthermore, Canada has recently issued its final regulations around GHS. Jason Wood, director, policy and program development, Workplace Hazardous Materials Directorate, Health Canada, will discuss implementation of those regulations, including compliance deadlines. “He’ll be there to talk about the final regulations and what the transition will look like,” says Deeds. “The regulations are mostly the same as the United States, but there are some differences.”

Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions. “Hearing from these two important countries about the status of their hazard communication regulations is a great opportunity,” says Deeds. “Come hear from the regulators directly, ask questions, and get some answers.”


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