Volunteering is a great way to network with other product stewards and build leadership skills while furthering our mission to enable professionals to promote responsible design, development, and management of products throughout their life cycle.
We encourage you to deepen your engagement with the Product Stewardship Society and your peers. Volunteer today!
Short-Term Commitments

If you want to contribute to the Product Stewardship Society before making a longer-term commitment to a volunteer leadership group, you can start by volunteering for individual projects. Individual project opportunities will be posted on the website throughout the year. You can also consider one of the following opportunities:
Volunteer Leadership
If you want to participate at the next level, consider joining one of the Product Stewardship Society’s volunteer leadership groups.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors sets and oversees the strategic direction of the Product Stewardship Society. Directors and Officers of the Board must be a member in good standing of the Product Stewardship Society.
Conference Program Committee
The Conference Program Committee is responsible for reviewing and selecting the education content for PSX, the Product Stewardship Society’s flagship event. Members of the Conference Program Committee serve a three-year term and must have attended at least one Product Stewardship Conference (multi-year attendance is preferred).
Education Committee
The Education Committee provides insight, guidance, and expertise in the creation and implementation of a dynamic multi-year professional development agenda. The committee works to identify critical and emerging issues affecting product stewards, identifies educational opportunities, and guides high-quality content development meets the needs of the product stewardship profession, and promotes professional success.
Outreach Committee (NEW)
The Outreach Committee is tasked with identifying partnership opportunities with allied associations and organizations. Through collaboration, we seek to enhance the value proposition of Society membership.
Thought Leadership Committee
The Thought Leadership Committee is charged with identifying and addressing emerging issues, promoting innovative solutions and best practices, and advancing the body of knowledge of the profession.
Committees are comprised of individuals representing a cross-section of the product stewardship profession. Committee members are selected to ensure a balance of:
- Industry sectors
- Early, mid, and late-career professionals
- Geographic regions
- Areas of specialty
- Other factors to create as diverse a committee as is reasonably possible
Individuals who wish to volunteer must be members in good standing at the time of application and throughout their entire term.
Desired Skills and Talent
- Ability to work collaboratively as part of a leadership team, especially virtually
- Excellent communication skills (written and spoken)
- Project management skills
- Use of technology (online meeting platforms)
- Independent self-directed work on a multi-faceted team
Desired Leadership Competencies
- Ability to think long-term strategy as well as short-term tactically
- Accepting of differing opinions, recognizing that each idea deserves to be heard and thoughtfully considered
- Ability to accept and support group decisions once they have been made
- Ability to represent the profession as a whole, not just one practice area or specialty
- Ability to meet established deadlines
Committee applications are received and reviewed by key Product Stewardship Society volunteers and staff. Selections are based upon the number of open positions and the representation needed to balance the existing committee.
Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed, such as service on a related or similar committee or volunteer group with another organization. Selection to serve on a committee or work group is individual, is not assigned to an organization, and is non-transferable.